finsago consumers

finsago consumers gives you fast price engine APIs and users speed & convenience: instant and highly accurate price predictions in seconds by just entering a few price relevant factors per product.

Direct Quotation Sites

Fast quotes for your prices & services

Win new customers and save acquisition costs: with our fast price engines, users will receive accurate price predictions and reference prices & services of your own products in seconds (by entering only 2 factors per product), allowing to easily customize searches.

We provide an API for your direct quotation sites:

  • users get a first quick calculation of your prices & services
  • you profit from higher conversion rates, full customer ownership and lower acquisition costs

Price Comparison Sites

Fast quotes of the best prices & services

Win new customers and save acquisition costs: with our fast price engines, users will receive accurate price predictions and reference prices & services of the best providers in seconds (by entering only 2 factors per product), allowing to easily customize searches.

We provide an API for price comparison sites of brokers and also banks, insurers or agents:

  • users get access to the best of all online available prices & services on the market (tops)
  • you profit from higher conversion rates, full customer ownership and lower acquisition costs

Intermediary Portals (B2B2C)

The convenient sales tool for the off/ online consultation

Win new customers and save acquisition costs: with our fast price engines, intermediaries will receive accurate price predictions and reference prices & services of all providers in seconds (by entering only 2 factors per product), allowing to easily customize searches.

We provide an API for intermediary portals (B2B2C):

  • offline agents, brokers and also banks get access to all online available prices & services on the market (tops & flops)
  • as preparation (first price prediction) before a customer meeting
  • as an actively or passively used sales tool for the off/ online consultation
  • you profit from higher conversion rates, full customer ownership and lower acquisition costs
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